Full Service
Design & Production


Custom Venue Design

There’s nothing we love more than working with a venue to bring it’s stage design to life. Boasting a cast of experienced designers with a passion for lighting, video, and SFX, our team stays inspired from the first site visit and gear proposal to the last wingnut of installation. Collaborating to create iconic designs is our pride and passion.

Ongoing Maintenance

When a venue chooses us to design their stage, we offer the comfort of maintaining a stream of communication. Our venues are part of our extended family and receive dedicated care from the people who know the gear, venue, and design best.

Premium House Technicians

Part of our ongoing care package involves designated technicians to ensure your room is running as expected. The strength in being a team that can do it all is an intimate network of designers and operators who’ve studied the venue and were responsible for every light hung and cable run. The result is no hiccups or miscommunications in executing the complex daily tasks that keep a venue performing to its max potential.